above the clouds

elevating through the sky with nobody next to me, i watched as its blue tint began to blend into a rosy flush. from the AC directly above me, i felt cool air being blown in my face; knowing it had been on since takeoff, i'd only just noticed and appreciated the feeling. now that the sun was setting, and now that the clouds were below the jet, i felt as though i could breathe. the stress of making it to the airport on time had been fogging my mind all day. 

the plane was riding smoothly; no turbulence, no noisy passengers, no paranoia or worries about crashing. in fact, it felt as though i was up here in complete solitude, although i do remember boarding with at least 50 others. i closed my eyes and thought about my destination; the ocean, the sand and the heat, it felt like, had been calling my name for eternity. 

when my eyes opened, i guessed that an hour or two had passed: the stars gave it away. dreamy, i struggled to my hand luggage, where my pillow sat above a portable charger, a blue jacket, some water and some toiletries. the essentials. i got comfortable, wrapped the black pillow around my neck and felt my eyes become drowsy immediately. i closed them. 
