astral projection & the gateway experience

ok. this one is crazy crazy. like craaaaaazy crazy crazy. 

since this is such a complex and metaphysical topic, this article will barely scratch the surface of it. this post'll provide you with a brief overview of astral projection & the gateway experience, but if it interests you ( which i can guarantee it will ) then you should so look more into it!

astral projection: what is it?

Out of Body Experience - Project by Laura Beckham

astral projection is the experience of leaving your body while remaining conscious. some people experience it completely by luck and accident, whilst others have trained via meditation to induce these out of body experiences whenever.

it's thought that when we sleep, our consciousness leaves our bodies; in a dream. this makes total sense; you know when you start to dream but you're kinda awake still and you trip over something in your dream, for example, and your body literally reacts??????? your consciousness being on the astral plane, away from your body, would make a whole lotta sense there. also, lucid dreams are examples of out of body experiences, according to some, as during them you're conscious and able to control your experience completely.

the gateway experience

Screenshot from the Declassified C.I.A Documents
( that i don't understand but is probably significant)

the gateway experience is, in layman's terms, a technique of tuning both sides of your brain to a specific frequency, in which we gain the ability to induce out-of-body experiences. declassified cia documents reveal the science and research, carried out by bob monroe @ the monroe institute, that support and verify these experiments as real and practical. in the '80s, the US government clearly clocked the use of these out-of-body experiences and crafted a report on the gateway experience, that was only declassified in 2017. ( ! )

definitely makes you think what kinds of experiments they're up to, using this technique, especially since they've declassified all of this information. i'd bet this is nothing in comparison to what is classified now.

at first, the idea of remote viewing or astral projection sounds insane; the reason many dismiss it as a pseudoscience or some hippy shit. but the experiments performed by the monroe institute used real science to not only back up the reality that we can all harness the power of our minds to view reality outside of our bodies, but found ways to help the process. this technique is known as hemisync, the tuning of both hemispheres of the brain to a specific frequency in order for us to achieve this experience. in fact, bob monroe developed tapes that could produce this experience with the use of sound.

Lovell, Wyoming ( Rose City )

in '89, this technology was put to the test with a remote viewer named angela dellafiora ford. she was tasked with locating a former agent who was on the run and pin-pointed his location to 'lovell, wyoming'; the agent was apprehended 100 miles west of the town.


another definitely significant 1 that is far too word-y

the gateway experience allows a person to escape even the limits of time and space, gaining unlimited access to the universe's ‘unlimited knowledge’. melissa jager, the chief training instructor from the monroe institute, claimed that bob monroe's tapes weren't the only way to remote view; people with years of experience in zen meditation could astral project on demand, for up to 15 minutes in our time.

( no way does that screenshot from the document call our reality a ‘universal hologram’...................... )

i find it fucking craaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazy that there is actual science to back this up and astral projection is scientifically proven to be something completely real.

this post was a craziness and feel free to read the resources i used to write this to find out much more on this topic, i highly highly recommend doing so.

here they are:

mile higher podcast episode 

VICE article - How to Escape the Confines of Time and Space According to the CIA


