james baldwin

James Baldwin

james baldwin was an established gay african american writer. he not only wrote novels, but plays, poems and essays, too. his work was revolutionary for his time; so much so that his novel titled 'Giovanni's Room’ was banned for its exploration of homosexuality and questioning of gender constructs. 

'Giovanni's Room' 

these topics, sexuality and gender exploration, were a taboo in the 50s in america, hence the book's banning. the novella also contains only white characters, which james was also criticised for as at the time, black authors were expected and encouraged to write from the black perspective and about black people only. the novel's set in paris and revolves around the protagonist david, as he falls for giovanni while his soon-to-be fiance is on vacation. 

interestingly and due to the novel's then-explicit content, baldwin published the novel while living in paris, where he moved to from harlem, new york.

not only was baldwin notorious for his revolutionary writing, but also his activism and participation in the civil rights movement in the 50s and 60s, alongside famous faces such as dr. martin luther king jr.

Baldwin with MLK

unfortunately and unjustly, the civil rights movement was rife with homophobia. baldwin was one of a miniscule minority of gay people in the spotlight of the movement, and according to sources MLK distanced himself from baldwin after the years due to his views on homosexuality.

his role in LGBT history is significant; he was open about his sexuality in a time when being gay was criminal and tackled the issue of sexuality long before it was the norm, through his work and writing.since educating myself on baldwin's life & legacy, i ordered myself a copy of giovanni's room. why not do the same? it's super short, only 159 pages, and is a key element when discussing lgbt history.

thanks for supporting me and reading all the way down here! so amazing to educate myself, and you all simultaneously, about amazing people who belong in the history books.

